Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dance Day

 Tuesdays are dance day for the big girls. With the weather so nice today, suddenly all things spring seem much closer! I realized while we were at dance today that they are only 2 months from their recital weekend. Both the girls and their classes are practicing very hard for their recital. Bekah's class got a chance to perform their dance for another class today and then to watch that class do their recital dance as well.
 Rachel's class warmed up at the barre first
 and they also practiced their recital dance as well. Today they even got to use their props for the recital for the first time.
 After their dance class, they were invited along with several other classes to watch a dance from the upcoming production of Snow White. The Rockbridge Ballet is putting on a production of Snow White for the next couple of weekends. They watched Miss Hunter, who is understudy for Snow White along with several other roles, perform one of Snow White's variations. Ms. Jessica taught them that a variation is the ballet term for a solo. Miss Hunter was very kind to get a picture with Rachel and Bekah after her dance. They were so excited!
 After we got home and had supper, they were still in the mood to dance. They watched to do what they call "a dance party." A dance party is simply that Mommy or Daddy put on song after song from Youtube (kids songs, hymns, old VBS songs, praise and worship songs) and they dance until they are TIRED! Tonight I think it was about 10 songs! While they danced, they showed me some of their favorite dance skills. Bekah can arabesque now without holding onto something and this is one of her favorites to do.
 I could not resist this picture. Rachel is talking and moving her hand but it was perfect. I asked her to show me her favorite dance move from her recital dance. During the dance, her classmates make a bridge and she recruited Bekah so she could show me what it looked like. That's why she is talking-to tell me how it would work. Bethany walked under at that exact moment and "took" a picture of me too.
These girls love Dance Day!

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