Sunday, May 15, 2016

First Piano Recitals

 Today our big girls had another first: their first piano recitals! They both began piano lessons back in January and today, we all got to enjoy their hard work!
Their piano recital was not actually until this evening. However, they got in an early recital also. Their Daddy scheduled them for Special Music in our morning worship service at FMBC just before he preached today.
They did such a good job! Bekah actually played her song the best she had played it so far when she played it today for our church.
Rachel played "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" and Bekah played "When the Saints Go Marching In."

Here are our beautiful girls after the morning worship service. They are growing up so quickly!
Rachel and Bekah, May 2016
 This evening, their piano recital was held at Marlbrook Baptist Church, which is where they have been taking their piano lessons each week. They were able to practice on the "big piano" during lessons earlier this week and they both did a beautiful job playing their songs tonight.

 Here they are with their piano teacher, Miss Chole, after the recital tonight.
Kay Kay also got to come watch their recital before she had to go to work this evening.
 They also enjoyed seeing their friend Mariah, who played in the recital this evening as well. Thanks to Mariah's mom and dad who organized the piano lessons this year also!
 Bekah wanted her picture with Mariah also. They are just about two weeks apart in age.  Both of them did a great job with recital songs!
 It has been a busy and exciting few weeks in our house. We had both dance and piano recitals in one week's time! We are thankful that the Lord has provided the opportunity for our girls to learn music and dance at an early age. We are excited about they are learning already and pray that they will always use all that they learn to honor Him!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Recital 2016: Rebekah

 Saturday evening began Round 2 of our recital fun! Bekah was in Show B of "At the Movies" so she danced on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon.
 Bekah had her run-through of her dance on the "big stage" on Tuesday afternoon as well.
 Bethany loved watching the big sisters. For awhile she kept trying to go sit on the steps to be closer to the stage. I think she is looking forward to being a dancer too!

 We did walk up to the ice cream shop on Tuesday for a treat after rehearsals.

 Bekah had dress rehearsal on Thursday and then she had to wait until Saturday evening to dance. She kept asking me during both of Rachel's dances when she could dance. We did get some fun family time in between their shows.
 Saturday was so busy with both the girls having shows that most of us just stayed at the auditorium between shows. We actually had to be there pretty early as both of the shows that Bekah was in were sold out! The big girls recruited Pop and Papa to take them for a little ride while we waited between shows.
 Finally, Saturday evening arrived and it was show time for Bekah! Here she is backstage with her friend Jaycee.
 Here is Bekah with Miss Brooke, who was her helper in her class for her very first year of dance.
 Here is Bekah with Ms. Jessica before one of the shows also.

Here is our little "Aristocat." Yes, her class were the "Aristocats" and their dance and costumes were so cute. They even had the cat's ears too.

 Bekah did such a good job and had so much fun with her dance this year!

 Brent had an art show all day Saturday and Sunday so he had to hurry back to be able to see Bekah dance on Saturday evening. Thankfully, he was able to make it to the show with about 20 minutes to spare which was good because Bekah had asked me several times on Saturday if Daddy would see her dance. He was sitting in the front row with me and she smiled when she saw him.
 Nana and Papa and Mimi and Pop were all able to come to see Bekah for the Saturday evening show as well.
On Sunday afternoon, Nana and I watched Bekah dance. Mimi and Pop had to leave to head back to NC. Papa and Rachel kept Bethany at home since her afternoon nap was during show time. We did get to have lunch with Papa before it was time to be at the theater.
Here was the smallest cat trying on her big sister's cat ears
Sunday's show was just as cute as Saturday's show. Bekah was all smiles as she danced around on the stage.
 Then it was time for the finale and final bows and just like that, another year of dance was finished!!
Bekah and Rachel both had Ms. Audrey as their dance teacher this year. She did a great job teaching them lots of new skills this year and they loved going to dance each week!

I loved spending my Mother's Day watching this cute cat dance!

Bekah, you did a great job at the recital! It is hard to believe you just finished your 3rd year of dance already! You did a great job dancing for Jesus. We are proud of you and we love you!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Recital 2016: Rachel

This past week was an exciting and busy one at our house. Rachel and Rebekah had their end of the year dance recital with The Studio. We had a first this year too as each girl was in a separate show. Up until this year, they had both been in the same show. We had a week of full of dance! Tuesday brought a run through of each of the dances on the "big stage." Here is Rachel's class rehearsing on Tuesday.

 Here is the littlest sister showing off her dance moves.  She loved watching her big sisters practice. She will be dancing before we know it!
 Rachel was in Show A which was Friday night and Saturday afternoon. She had dress rehearsal on Wednesday and then it was Friday and Show Time! Here is Rachel headed into the auditorium before her show.

 Here is Rachel with Ms. Jessica, who is the Director of The Studio. She also wanted her picture with Miss Emma, who was her helper in her dance class in Rachel's very first year of dance. Miss Emma is graduating this year.
 This year's theme for the recital was "At the Movies" and Rachel's group danced to "The Good Ship Lollipop." The choreography was great and all her class did a great job! She and Bekah called the dance "The Shirley Temple Lollipops"

 Friday night, Mimi and Pop and Nana and Papa all came in from NC to go to the show.

 Saturday afternoon Rachel had her second show. She was able to watch the first half of the show since she didn't dance until Act 2. Mrs. Judith had come to see her granddaughter, Alexis, dance. Mrs. Judith is Bekah's Sunday School teacher and was Rachel's when she was younger so they were thrilled to see her too.

 We finally got a picture with Rachel with Ms. Audrey, her dance teacher this year, before Saturday's show also.
 Saturday's show was just as fun as Friday's!
 This was Rachel's favorite part of the whole dance.

 This is one of my favorite pictures. I took it just as they all jumped into the air.
 This was at the very end of their dance.
 Here is Rachel and her group coming out for the finale of the recital.
 Here is Rachel and her friend Claire from her class.
 We got lots of family pictures this Mother's Day weekend too. Brent also had a art show this weekend along with the recital so it was an incredibly busy weekend. Thanks to Mimi and Pop and Nana and Papa for all their help making sure all the big girls were in the right spot right on schedule, especially with two separate shows this year and even making sure that the littlest one got to stay home and get her nap with Mimi and Pop and then Papa, so she could make it through the evening shows and the rest of the evening without a meltdown.

 Can't believe this big girl just finished another year of dance! She has been dancing for 4 years already! Thank you to all the teachers at the Studio for another great year! Looking forward another great year of dance next year!

Rachel, we are so proud of you! You danced beautifully this year! As you told me "I did my best and I danced for Jesus." Great Job! We love you!