Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sleeping Beauty and Where the Page Meets the Stage

Over the summer, Rachel did a creative writing workshop at The Studio, where she takes dance lessons. The workshop was called "Where the Page Meets the Stage." A fun part of this workshop is that the short stories written by each of the groups gets performed by the Rockbridge Ballet at one of their company performances. So finally this weekend, we got a chance to see the short story by Rachel's group performed as a ballet.
First, we got to enjoy the performance of Sleeping Beauty. This little ballerina was totally enthralled. We were seated right down front so she could see really well and she would watch a few minutes then lean over and grab my arm and point at the stage and grin.
The big girls were glad to see Miss Emma, who was back visiting from college.
The girls all loved watching Sleeping Beauty and then it was time for the stories from "Where the Page Meets the Stage." There was a slideshow from the workshop over the summer telling a little more about all the stories. If you look closely, this was Rachel's group on the screen.
Her group wrote a story called the "Four Princesses." It was a tale of 4 princess sisters who didn't listen to their mom, the Queen, and went picking berries where they were not supposed to and got themselves in trouble. Here are the Rockbridge Ballet dancers performing the story. The groups even got to help pick out costumes and music for their stories.

All ended well. Here the 4 princesses are back home safely with the Queen.
There were several other short ballets from the workshop as well. Of course, our favorite was the story written by Rachel's group. All of the dancers did a great job putting the stories to dance. Our family's other favorite was the "Chaos in the Kitchen", which was an very fun dance about...Pizza!
Here are all our ballerinas with Ms. Jessica.

Here was our little author showing us her group's story. She was so excited to see her group's story and picture in the program. Rachel, we are proud of you! We are so glad you enjoy writing and dance and we loved seeing your group's story set to dance!

Friday, November 18, 2016

October 31st!

These 3 little Princess Belles were excited to be out and about in downtown Lexington this afternoon getting a little (or maybe A LOT) of candy.

Little Pumpkin had fun with them too!

We got to see several friends while we were there. The girls were so excited to see Mrs. Debbie! They were so glad to see Mrs. Sarah, Brylen and Brody too.
They also liked to see the Rockbridge Crew from their dance studio dancing downtown today too! The Crew did a great job with their dance today!

They were thrilled to see Mrs. Jessica, Mrs. Audrey and Mr. Devin, some of their teachers from The Studio, downtown today too!

These girls loved being Princess Belle this year. Belle is currently their favorite princess. Their Mimi bought them each a Belle dress this year. Thanks, Mimi!
We haven't gotten to do as many fun fall things yet this fall since I have been so sick with Little Itty Bitty but these little ladies sure did have a fun afternoon today and we will definitely not be running out of candy any time soon! On a fun note, we are walking back to the car and a Ghostbuster comes up and asks the girls if they got a toothbrush to go with their candy. We gladly added new toothbrushes to go with their candy stockpile of the day!