Monday, February 5, 2018

Beauty and The Beast

Our local community theatre, Sampson Community Theatre, has been performing Beauty and The Beast over the past two weekends. Our girls have been super excited about getting to see the play version too, instead of the movie. We had planned to go to a performance early in the weekend, but life got busy. So Sunday afternoon was the very last performance and we made sure we made it for that show. We had even heard the show was selling out so we arrived about 45 minutes before show time and the lower level of the theatre was almost completely full then! So we headed up to the balcony. The girls loved sitting in the balcony and we had a great view of the play!

It was neat to be back in the theatre too
 Brent and I were both in a production in this theatre in college. It was also fun to now bring our girls to see a play here too!
The big girls loved reading all through the program too!
This girl seemed excited about her first live theatre performance! 
I wondered how they would do all the animated characters and they did a fabulous job with the costumes of all the characters. The girls' favorite were, of course, Belle, and also Lumiere and Mrs. Potts.
"Be Our Guest" was one of Rachel's favorite songs. It was so creative how they did the costumes for all the plates and utensils!
They enjoyed intermission too. They quickly talked their Daddy into a few dollars for concessions especially since they agreed to share their popcorn with him!
The cast did a great job with the finale as well!
This little lady loved watching the play (and she may have even wanted to "sing" along with them on the last song a little )
 It was pouring rain when we came our of the theatre but the cast were very kind to brave the weather and so the girls were able to meet several of the cast. They wanted their picture with Lumiere first
and they couldn't wait to meet Belle!
We had a great afternoon at the theatre. This is one of the girls ' favorite Disney stories and to see it performed live in the theatre was special. They really enjoyed the show and all the cast and crew of Beauty and The Beast did an excellent job! We are looking forward to the next production we get to see here!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Topsail Time

Brent had work this past Friday that brought him down near the coast, so we decided to head to the beach for a day or two. We crossed onto the island just as it was getting dark.
A trip to the beach is not complete for our crew without eating at Max's Pizza so that was where we headed for supper. Bethany thoroughly enjoyed the spaghetti, as you can tell!
Saturday found us on the beach for a little while.
There was "cake baking" in the sand
and sand castle building

We played soccer
and searched for seashells
We loved watching Allie on the beach this trip. Bethany did NOT like her feet to touch the sand or even to sit on the sand until she was close to 2. Allie is the complete opposite!  She kept trying to climb out of my arms to get on the sand
She loved to put fingers in the sand and play too!

Brent cooked us some of our favorite steamed shrimp. He did such a good job that they were almost gone by the time I got a picture!
Sunday was a little rainy or times, a lot rainy!
They had ballet parties and swang on the swing
We looked in a couple of shops and Rachel used her birthday money and bought her sisters and herself a small toy.
While we didn't see much sun, we enjoyed our little bit of sand, shell and rest time and always look forward to the next visit too!