Friday, August 24, 2018

Dance Days are Here Again!

Last week, the big girls started back to dance again.
This big girl is headed into her second year of dance with the Performing Arts School.
She was thrilled to be starting back to dance again and they brought out the parachute in the first class of the year so she was doubly excited!

Rachel is taking the Junior Ballet Technique class this year. She moved across the hall this year to other dance room because her class actually overlaps time with Bethany's this year. She is excited about learning more about ballet this year.
We managed this year to get all their classes in one day again. Bekah finishes out our dance day this year with her Ballet Technique class.
Check out that passe'!
Our girls are thrilled to be dancing with Mrs. Suzi again this year and are excited about all they are going to learn in dance this year! Now that the smallest ballerina is learning to walk, it won't be long before she will want to dance too!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Rebekah Goes to Arts Camp!

 Last week it was Rebekah's turn to go to Arts Camp. When we started talking about Arts Camp a few months ago, Bekah and Rachel were reading the descriptions of each week of camp and talking about the types of art they might do there. They immediately picked exact opposite weeks because of the different types of art they each like. Rachel's week of Arts Camp was alot about designing things while Rebekah's was about art and nature. While it made for two extra busy weeks, I'm glad they each picked the week of Arts Camp they each did, because the different weeks fit their personalities very well!
 Here is Rebekah with one of her teachers and a couple of her art projects.

 Here she is with Ms. Kara when we picked her and all her artwork up on Thursday.
 One of my favorite art projects she created is this painting of Japanese cherry blossoms.
 Her group also got to make pottery during their Arts Camp week!! Here is her leaf bowl and she has another piece of pottery that will be fired and ready to pick up in a couple of weeks! She loved being able to make pottery this past week!
What fun weeks Rebekah and Rachel had creating and learning more about art these past couple of weeks! They are already looking forward to Arts Camp again next summer!