Monday, July 28, 2014

Meeting the Family, Part 1

 The week after Bethany was born, Nana and Papa brought the girls back from "Camp North Carolina" and got to meet Bethany for the first time. Nana came up the day Bethany was born but went back to NC with the girls the next day since the big sisters weren't feeling well. When they came to bring the girls back they were able to stay overnight and spend some time meeting Bethany and playing with the girls here too. We are so thankful for all their help with the big sisters too especially the week after Bethany was born!
 Because Bethany was born on a Sunday, none of the rest of the family could travel up due to work so the second weekend after Bethany was born, all the aunts and uncles on Brent's side of the family traveled up to meet Bethany. The aunts and uncles all took turns holding her and playing with the big sisters too.

 The aunts and uncles were able to stay both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we just spent time eating, playing and visiting. It actually misted rain on and off all day and was really cold for July so we didn't even try to go anywhere during the day.
 Later in the evening, though it was still misty at times, we ventured out to Hull's Drive-In for a movie. We hadn't been at all this year and we realized in all their visits we had never taken the aunts and uncles. We saw Planes 2 which is a very cute movie. This was Bethany's first trip to the Drive-In too. Bethany slept through 3/4 of the movie and Bekah, though she still doesn't know it, woke up as we were leaving the drive in.
             Here is Bethany bundled up for her first trip to the Drive-In. We really did have to wrap her up. It was in the mid 60's in July!!                      
 Sunday,we all went to church together. Brent actually had to be a church early for meetings and the aunts and uncles were a huge help to me in getting all the kids ready to go! After church, we had our church picnic at Lake Robertson. Can you guess that as soon as the picnic lunch finished, the big sisters convinced the aunts and uncles to head to the playground with them?!
We have had a great time with Brent's family and are so glad everyone could visit and meet Bethany Joy!
My side of the family has not gotten to visit yet, unfortunately. My Mom has recently undergone surgery and is continuing to recover from this surgery. Please continue to pray for her! Ethan is also continuing to recover from his surgery so my dad's family has not been able to visit yet either. Please pray for him as well. We are sending pictures and skyping as we can but looking forward to when they are able to visit!
We are thankful for all our family and we love you very much!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Two Week Checkup

 This past Friday, we headed to Rockbridge Pediatrics for Bethany's two week checkup. We had an early morning appointment so she was surprisingly wide eyed in these photos considering her favorite time to sleep right now is still between 8 and 11 am. Yes, she still has her days and nights a little confused.
 We had a good checkup. She had gained 8 ounces in 8 days and gained another half inch of length. She is now past her birth weight. Her jaundice screen was normal. She is having a bit of tummy trouble but hopefully, that will continue to improve.
 Weight: 6 pounds, 13 ounces
Height: 18 and 3/4 inches
Head Circumference: 35 and 1/2
 We are so thankful for a second great checkup. Time moves so quickly. It is hard to believe we are already scheduled to go back in 2 weeks for her ONE month checkup!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

A New Friend

This post actually begins the day before Bethany was born. On July 5th, her new friend Aleah Beth was born. My friend Molly and I both found out this past fall that our families were expecting new little ones. This would be their second child and our third born. Then we found out that she was due on July 1st and I was due July 15th. Then we found out both babies were going to be girls.

July 7th, 2014, in the hospital
 Molly said all along that it would be neat if the babies were born about the same time. I would reply that would mean she would have to go past her due date and I would have to deliver early. As you can guess, that is exactly what happened! Aleah came 4 days past her due date and Bethany came 9 days before her due date! We were actually in the hospital at the same time for about 24 hours.
Brent and I with Bethany and Matt and Molly with Aleah
 Of course, we had to get pictures of the girls together in the hospital. It is pretty neat to have your new friend's birthday and your birthday only be one day apart!!
We are thankful to have good friends like the Coiners and we are looking to seeing Bethany and Aleah grow as friends together!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Meeting Bethany!

 We had an adventure with the big sisters around Bethany's arrival. Both girls came down with a rash due to hand foot and mouth disease the week that Bethany arrived. In talking with the pediatrician, he said the best way to keep Bethany well as to keep the girls and her separated. Brent and I knew that probably wouldn't work very well as they were so excited about meeting their baby sister.
 Nana, Brent's Mom,agreed to take the big girls for a few days so they headed to "Camp North Carolina." While we really missed having them at the hospital with us, we knew they had fun in NC and it was what needed to be done until they were feeling better. Thanks to Nana and Papa and the aunts and uncles who helped take care of them last week.
Sunday afternoon, it was finally time for them to come back and meet their baby sister. We were so glad to get them back home and get to introduce them to Bethany Joy!!
 Here are the "Super Sisters." I found these shirts a few months before Bethany's arrival and the smallest size they had was a 12 months for Bethany so hers is more a T-shirt dress but hopefully they will all wear them next summer too!
Mommy and the Girls
Daddy and the Girls

 Her big sisters finally got to hold Bethany Joy. They are both doing well with her. Rachel likes to hold her and sing to her. Bekah likes to turn on the music in her baby seat for her and sit with me while I hold her and she will tell me if she hears her cry at all "Mommy, Bethany needs you now"

 We are so glad to be back together and we thank Jesus for the blessing of our Family of Five!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Checkup

 This morning we headed to Rockbridge Pediatrics for Bethany's newborn checkup. She, of course,was not fond of the baby scale, but we got great news as far as her weight. She weighed 6 lbs 8 ounces at birth and 6 lbs 2 ounces as of the last weight check I know of before we left the hospital. She was back up to 6 lbs 5 ounces as of today. So according to Dr. Ellis, she is only 4% off from her birth weight. We are so thankful she is gaining well.
July 10, 2014  6 pounds, 5 ounces and 18 and 1/4 inches long

"Talking" to her Daddy at the doctors office 

Bethany had a great first check up with Dr. Ellis today. We thank God for such a healthy little one and a good check up today!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Welcome Bethany Joy!

 We are so excited to welcome Bethany Joy McGuirt to our family! She was born July 6, 2014 at 10:35 pm. She weighed 6 pounds and 8.8 ounces and was 17.5 inches long.

 I woke up Sunday morning with signs of labor and it quickly became apparent it really was labor. I had both Rachel and Bekah very quickly. Both of them were born within just over an hour of arriving at the hospital. So since the hospital was about an hour away, we decided we should head that way very quickly. Keep in mind, I had several people throughout this pregnancy tell me that third babies often take longer. I would just smile. Yes, I should have listened. Yes, Bethany Joy decided that she had her own time to come and yes, our third was my 15 hour labor! She is worth every second of it though and we are so glad she is here safely!

 Here she is hanging out with Mom and Dad and also Skyping with her two big sisters. Doesn't she look like she is waving to them? It was so sweet to watch. She opened her eyes and started looking all around for them. We are so looking forward to when they get to meet her in person.

 Here we are headed home from the hospital.
 Once we got home, we began to look at newborn pictures of all the girls and we quickly realized how much alike they all look.
Bethany Joy, 2 days old

Welcome, Bethany Joy! We love you so very much!