Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fort Sumter Field Trip

 During our travel to Charleston back in April, we did a history field trip with the girls to Fort Sumter. Brent had been here when he was growing up, but it was the first time the girls and I had ever been to Fort Sumter.
 It was a very windy and beautiful day for a ferry ride!
When we arrived at the fort, we had about an hour to explore before we had to head back to the boat for the return trip.

 The fort and museum both were very interesting to see. One of the neatest things I think we saw was the flag that actually flew on Fort Sumter back in the 1800s.
We spent most of our time while we were at the fort learning with the girls, who quickly filled out all their learning activities and earned another Junior Ranger badge to add to their collection. Here they are with Ranger Lauren, who gave them their Junior Ranger pins.
We made it back to the ferry in time and headed back to the mainland. We all enjoyed our ferry trip and learning a little more about the history that surrounds Fort Sumter.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Recital 2018

 This past weekend brought us to the girls' spring recital with The Performing Arts School. They were all in the Friday evening show. It was a lot of fun to see them all dance in the same show together!
 Bethany's group started off the show and then made us all smile with the "Chipmunk Macarena." It was the cutest thing to watch a group of 3 and 4 year olds do the Macarena together!
 Rachel had both a tap and a jazz dance in the show. Her group did awesome in both dances!
Bekah's dance was definitely high energy. Her entire class did cartwheels across the entire stage! It was a fun dance to watch!
Here are all the girls with Mrs. Suzi. We are thankful for Mrs. Suzi, Ms. Raquel and Ms. Eileen and all dance skills and knowledge that they have taught our girls this year!

 Thank you to all our family who came and supported the girls and enjoyed watching their recital with us this year!
 Bethany, we loved watching you in your first recital! You did such a good job! 
Rebekah, you have nailed those cartwheels! You have done a great job learning all those new acrobatics skills!
Rachel, you did a great job learning lots of new skills in both tap and jazz! I think the Mambo was one of your favorite dances yet!
Each of you danced beautifully and did your best for Jesus! We are so proud of you all!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Spring Ballet Watch Day

Back in April, we had the spring Parent ' s Watch Day at the girls' dance studio. Bethany had the first dance class of the afternoon. She loved showing us her spins and leaps and making music with the tambourine. 

We even got to see a little snippet of their recital dances!
Bekah was up next with her acrobatics class.
They were working on lots of stretches and leaps with Ms. Elieen.
She has perfected her two handed cartwheel this dance year! Now she is working on mastering a ONE handed cartwheel too!
Here she is with her teacher, Ms. Eileen after her class.
Rachel is taking a combination class including several types of dance.
 We got to see them performing a jazz and a tap dance. Her class was moving so fast that it was hard to catch them in pictures!
Here is Rachel with Ms. Raquel, her tap dance teacher.
These 3 ballerinas are certainly excited about recital this upcoming week! They have had a great year of dance and learned lots of new skills at the Performing Arts School! Thank you to all their teachers for doing such a great job with each of the girls this year! I know we will blink a few times and Ballerina 4, Allie, will be joining them at dance class too!!