Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31st

Our littlest Princess
 Today we headed to downtown Lexington for their celebration. We did get a few pictures of the girls first before we added all the layers they had to wear with being outside. The 80 degree weather definitely seemed far away today even though it was only 3 days ago!
 We were blessed with some Cinderella dresses when my family took us to Disney World last summer and so the big girls were "Ella" also. Cinderella is Bekah's favorite princess and she has called her Ella since she could talk.

 These pictures of the big girls really made me stop and take a deep breath. First of all, how did they get so grown up so fast!! Then I realized that in just a few years we will be taking pictures of them on these stairs in their Real big girl dresses getting ready to go to an event! This is when I ask the Lord to help me treasure every moment because they all three are growing up so quickly!

We finally made it to downtown Lexington and the girls wanted their picture made with every character we saw. We also saw several friends from church and their dance classes.
 We also had requests to stop by and see some of our church family who works downtown. Thanks Mrs. Debbie and Mrs. Marlene for the treats and extra candy!

The littlest Princess taking it all in
After we finished up downtown, we headed to our friends Matt and Molly's church for Trunk or Treat.

 The big girls got their picture with their friend Hannah. Both Hannah and Aleah looked precious in their monkey and lion outfits.
 Molly snapped a quick family picture for us. Yes, Bethany is in the stroller. She decided to sleep through her first Trunk or Treat.

 The girls got Lots of candy and even some neat things like popcorn and pencils.
Thank you Coiner Family for inviting us! Our family had a lot of fun!

Our littlest Princess catching a nap after all the excitement. And Mommy has the candy bags to give out the candy a little bit at a time. The big girls made sure they had plenty this evening when we got back! What a fun day the girls had!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pumpkin Painting and Fall Decorating

Rachel, Bethany and Bekah's pumpkins
 In October, we have been extremely busy, but the girls and I have managed to fit in a few art projects too. Brent had an event one Friday and was out for the day and the girls and I had some errands to run so we stopped by Michaels on the way back to pick up craft pumpkins. Both the big girls painted theirs and Bethany and I had a little fun trying to get her footprints on a pumpkin. I am looking forward to using these to decorate in the fall again and again.

We usually go to downtown Lexington for their events on October 31st. Rachel was trying to decide if she was going to carry a basket or bucket when we went. I found these small bags at the dollar store and thought they would have fun decorating them to take. They have had a blast decorating these!

We also had a friend who shared on Facebook that the nearby Chick-fil-a was doing Pumpkin Painting on their patio at the end of October. It was free and I knew the girls would have fun.

 It was definitely fun! Bethany even "painted." I basically held her arm out where she couldn't paint herself and then let her move her arm all around. She actually got a lot of paint on her pumpkin. It was so cute!

 Here is the finished product.

I so enjoy creating and crafting. Both Rachel and Bekah loved art projects as well and we hope Bethany will enjoy our projects as she gets old enough to join in too. We had such fun celebrating fall with these projects this month!
Our little pumpkin wearing her pumpkin shirt

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sunday Blessings

 Each Sunday in October, our church has been recognizing Pastor Appreciation Month. We are so blessed by this and thankful for their generous hearts. The deacons, WMU, the College and Cadet ministry and other ministries as well as individual members have all blessed our family this past month. This past Sunday was especially sweet as our children's ministry shared a message, song and cards.
Both the Pre-K and the Elementary class participated. Usually I am in the Pre-K class but I was told by Mrs. Judith, one of the Pre-K teachers that I would have to go in the Youth class with Brent as he taught because the Pre-K was working on a special project this past week in Sunday School. I did leave my camera in the Pre-K class. Thanks, Mrs. Judith, snapping a few pictures. Here is Bekah working on her part of the Pre-K craft.
 Here are the children singing "Jesus Loves Me" during the service

 Then both the Pre-K and the Elementary Class presented Brent with special cards.
 The Kids also presented the shepherd with a staff. We also had a Cadet who is part of our College and Cadet Ministry who played the bagpipes for Brent as part of the service. I was in the Toddler nursery at that point so I wasn't able to get a picture.
Here are the precious cards from both the Pre-K and Elementary Sunday School classes

Thank you to each of our church family for the blessing you are to each of our family. Thank you for the cards, texts, encouragement in person, food, and gifts you have all shared with our family for Pastor Appreciation Month! Our family is blessed to serve with you and we thank God for you all!

" We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers;  constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father,"
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bekah's 3 Year Checkup

 This past week we had Bekah's 3 year old checkup. She did great and had a wonderful checkup!
 She had a height and weight check and liked the "arm hug" too.
Weight: 28 pounds
Height 35 and 1/4 inches
 She did great with Dr. Ellis and Dr. Ellis even let Bekah "check" her ears too!
 The flu shot at the end was not her favorite part, for sure, but nothing that a blue popsicle afterwards couldn't help.
Thanking God for our sweet Bekah and a great and healthy 3 year old check up!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Faith Mountain Baptist Church Homecoming 2014

This week has been a big week at church! The sanctuary got new carpet, which looks great! There was also new wiring, the sound booth was moved, fall decorating and cleaning too. All this led up to Homecoming today!
Here are the girls all ready for the day!

 We recognized the RCHS Homecoming King. Both the Homecoming King and Queen, Christopher and Ana, attend our church. We also enjoyed a concert by Kevin Wallace. Skipper also played during part of the service too.
 Brent led the service and the morning message was given by guest speaker, Cadet Fredrick Walker.

 After the service, we headed downstairs to the fellowship hall to eat.
 We had lots of good food and and great desserts too.
 We also had a great time visiting together!
This was Bethany's first Homecoming. We found out we were expecting her 
 last year a little later in the fall.
For her first Homecoming, she is actually wearing a dress that I wore as a baby.
15 weeks today!
 This little lady was worn out by the end of the meal!
She did wake up long enough for us to get a family picture. Brent had set the timer on the camera so I didn't realize till much later that Rachel was giving us a thumbs up. We agree, Rachel, it was a thumbs up kind of day! Happy Homecoming!
FMBC Homecoming 2014  October 19, 2014