Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Virginia Visit

 When the big girls had their recital, we had a good chance for quite a few of the family to come up from North Carolina for a "Virginia Visit." Besides them all getting to see the girls' recital, we were able to get some good family time in as well. Mimi, Pop and Aunt Ashelyn arrived on Thursday evening and we met for supper after we got off work. I think they all like Foothill Mama's as much as we do

 On Friday, everyone headed to our house for lunch and a little time playing outside before we had to be at the recital.
 Aunt Brittany and Uncle Jason weren't able to come this time for the girls' recital so she sent the pottery pieces we painted with her back in April up with Nana and Papa. Here are the girls with their treasures.
 Aunt Ashelyn helped with makeup before the recital on Friday.

 Here are the girls with Mimi after the recital. We did get a group picture of everyone with the girls that came to Friday evening's recital. Mimi, Pop and Aunt Ashelyn headed back to NC on Saturday.

 We got some pictures of the girls with Nana and Papa and Uncle Jared, Aunt Brooke and the little cousin after the recital on Saturday afternoon.

                        We even managed to get a family picture.         
 The grandparents and aunt and uncles brought them special surprises for the great job they did in their recital. Here they are opening their bracelets and bags from Mimi. Aunt Ashelyn gave them butterfly wings to wear. Aunt Brittany sent ballerina necklaces and Nana gave them dance ornaments for their Christmas tree this year.
 Uncle Jared and Aunt Brooke had just traveled over to Europe and brought them puppets from Spain.
 We also got to take some of the family to Kids Playce for a little park time.

 Even the grownups had fun at the park!

 After church on Sunday we spent most of the afternoon playing outside. Nana and Papa had found the girls a kids' golf set and they were ready to try it out. Brent and his Dad took turns hitting golf balls back and forth to each other in the yard while the girls practiced with their golf set.
Papa gave Bekah some instruction on her golf swing.
 Of course when they got tired of playing golf, all the girls wanted to swing. If you are ever around our girls for very long, you will quickly discover they love to swing anytime and all the time (yes, all 3 of them)!
Here is Nana doing triple time on the swings! Papa got some swing time in with them also.
 Thank you to all our family who came to see the girls' recital and spend some family time with us here in Virginia. We missed the family that wasn't able to travel this time but hope to see them all soon too. Thanks again for coming to see us! We had a great Virginia Visit with you! We love you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Recital 2015

 Well, the big days finally arrived! This past weekend was Rachel and Bekah's dance recital with The Studio. The girls had been counting down for weeks for their recital and they were beyond excited!
 Here are Rachel and Bekah with Ms. Jessica before the show started on Friday night.
 Rachel and Bekah were both in the Friday night and Saturday afternoon show which was so much fun to have them in the same show! They were actually only about 3 dances apart in the recital. Several of our family were able to come up for the Friday night show and others were able to come for the Saturday afternoon show too. It was great to get to see everyone and that they were able to see the girls dance as well. More about the family visit to Virginia to come!
 I was actually able to get a few pictures of them with their classes before the recital started. Bekah's class was pretty big so there wasn't a space big enough to get a whole class picture but I was able to get a couple of different pictures of her with some of her dance friends.

Rachel's class gathered for a picture too and I actually managed to get a picture of her entire class this year!
Bekah having some coloring fun before the show started

 Rachel gets a little nervous at times so we have always sat in rows 1, 2, or 3 in the auditorium so she can see us so Brent was able to get some great pictures of them this year,
 The theme was "Across America" and Rachel's group represented the Blue Ridge Mountains. Here is her whole class as they circled and arabesqued together.

 Bekah's class were the "Liberty Bells." Her class did such a good job!

 Here is Bekah with her class and their helper, Miss Leah, who danced with them on the big stage too.

 Here are the big girls together Friday night after the show. Grams, my grandmother, was not able to travel up for the recital but she sent instructions with my mom to make sure the girls had flowers from Grams for their recital.
 Here are our beautiful ballerinas together after the Saturday afternoon show too.
 Thank you to Ms. Jessica and Ms. Kitty, their teachers and their helpers, Miss Carolyn and Miss Leah, for all you taught our girls this year in dance. They had a wonderful year of dance and a great recital! All the dancers did a great job! They are definitely looking forward to dance next fall already too! They have already been talking all about what their new classes will be. We are so proud of you, Rachel and Bekah, and how you danced your best, with Jesus's help, in your recital! We love you both very much!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Recital Memories

As we are getting ready to close out another year of dance with their Spring Recital this weekend, I was looking back at some pictures of both girls and how they have grown up in the time they have been taking dance.
Here are each of them the first week they each began taking ballet at The Studio.
Yes, they are both wearing the same leotard in each picture and it belonged to Aunt Ashelyn when she took dance at their age.

The picture on the left is Rachel in September 2012 and on the right is Bekah in November 2013.

This picture of Bekah looking in the window is from Rachel's first year of dance. This is what she did every single week (either that or try to open the door to the classroom  where Rachel was) until she finally got old enough to begin dance herself!

Here are Rachel and Bekah in their first few weeks of dance during their classes and first ballet watch days. Look at those sweet faces that were so little!

The pictures above are from their first recitals. Rachel in 2013 and Bekah in 2014.
These are also from just before last year's recital which was Bekah's first recital and Rachel's second.

These pictures were taken during the actual recital last year. Now we are headed into all the fun of this year's recital. Here are the girls getting their curls. Yes, we pulled out the sponge rollers again. Here they are headed into rehearsals this week as well.

In the picture here with them holding hands, they are wearing leotards that belonged to my sister and I when we took dance.
Here is Bekah with Ms. Jessica just before rehearsal started on Tuesday and both of them warming up for their dances at rehearsal.

Wednesday brought us to dress rehearsal and of course, a few pictures afterwards. When I see my girls day after day, I notice them growing but looking at these pictures even from the past two to three years of dance, I can see how fast they are really growing up. We are so very proud of them and they are beyond excited about their recital this weekend!

 We are Recital 2015 Ready!
May 13, 2015