Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Fun Day

 Today we celebrated Bekah's birthday at church with her friends. She originally requested a Cinderella cake but then decided she liked the Rapunzel cake when we went to order her cake. This was our first time ordering a cupcake cake and I really liked the way it turned out.

 She definitely liked the way her cupcake cake tasted also, as you can see!
Right after church our children's ministry, Kingdom Kids , headed for Chuck E Cheese. Our girls had been excited about this for weeks. We had sixteen people come for this event. We are going to be doing monthly events with Kingdom Kids and this was their event for September. They actually all did a really good job eating their pizza before they headed out to the games.
 Bekah did decide to get her picture made with Chuck E. This took a little talking to convince her, she wasn't too sure about this at first!
 Thanks to Kay Kay, who came to help us with the kids. We are glad you could come!
She and Sarah both took turns with Bethany for a little while which gave me a bit of time with the big girls.
 We were glad the Lawsons and Stephanie and Joseph were able to come.

 We were glad Sarah, Maverick, Brylen, DJ and Vada were able to come too!
 Bethany enjoyed looking around at all the lights and listening to the sounds.
 The kids enjoyed the games but spent a lot of time in the climbing area as well. Actually our girls spent more time here than anywhere else this time.

 Of course, everyone was going in so many different directions that I didn't manage to get a group picture this time. Everyone was having too much fun to stand still for a picture too.
Thanks to all who came and helped make this a great Kingdom Kids event. We are looking forward to "Trunk or Treat" in October!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Rebekah!

Today, our sweet Bekah turns three!! Time is flying by so quickly. It is hard to believe she is 3 already and what a young lady she is becoming too!

 This past year has held some very fun milestones for Bekah. She began her first year of ballet, loved it and has already started her second year. This picture surprised me so much. It was taken in March of this past year. Look how much she has grown up from March to September!!
                                                       She is working on her letters

 Most exciting of all, she became a big sister this year! We call her "the little big sister." She is doing a super job being a big sister. Any time she rides beside Bethany in their car seats, she holds her hand. She loves to hold her with our help. She is doing a great job playing and learning with Rachel too.

Here is her last night as a 2 year old and waking up this morning as a 3 year old.

 She had a fun day today! Here she is with the cupcake (chocolate, of course) that she picked out for today.
 She enjoyed opening a few presents and cards from family too.

Happy Birthday to our sweet Rebekah Faith! We are blessed daily by having you in our family! We are thankful for you loving heart-you are always to first to check on everyone and make sure they are doing well. We love your sense of humor and your excitement about all you try. We Love YOU!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Visit with Family and Friends

 On Saturday, we had to be in Lynchburg for the day. Aunt Ashelyn hadn't gotten a chance to meet Bethany yet because she was back at college. She decided to come meet us in Lynchburg to see us and meet Bethany. We had great day with her and the girls were so excited to see her too!
 Her newest niece enjoyed being held by her too. I was so glad to get a chance to visit with her also. Thanks for traveling to meet us Aunt Ashelyn! We Love You!
 Later in the evening after Ashelyn had to head back to NC, we were invited to visit and have supper with one of Brent's college friends, JD, and his girlfriend, Sarah.  Sarah came over to JD's and cooked a delicious supper for us. The green pasta was great and the girls loved the brownies too!
 The girls found the "poof chair", which is like a giant fabric cotton ball, in JD's living room. They were getting tired after a busy day and actually laid down for awhile.
 Sarah took a turn holding Bethany
 When I looked over again, the busy day had finally caught up with Rachel! Yep, sound asleep!
It was a fun and busy day! We enjoyed seeing Ashelyn and were so glad she finally got to meet Bethany. We also enjoyed visiting and catching up with JD and Sarah. Looking forward to seeing all of you again soon!

Field Trips

 This month we have had a couple of really fun field trips with friends. My friend Sarah knows all kinds of neat trips for the kids in this area. She called a few days ago and said they were going on a nature walk at McCormick Mill and invited the girls and I along. Did I know McCormick Mill had a nature trail? Now I do and it was a lot of fun!
We started out by the grist mill but quickly headed out on our walk.
 Here they were checking for any wildlife, including reptiles, from the bridge.
Rachel would read me the name of the trees as we walked along. Here is Bekah with a very large leaf we found. It was bigger than her head!
They made a balance beam from the timbers along the walk.

 It was a very neat walk and so close to where we are. We will definitely be back! Thanks to the Walkers' for inviting us along.
You can't go for a nature walk at the grist mill without getting your picture with the mill!
 One Friday this month, we headed back to Boxerwood. This time we were showing this spot to our friends, the Coiners, who had not been here before. We had a great time though shorter than we had planned as the weather did not cooperate with us that day. It was very cool and cloudy and even rained on us a bit during our picnic. I am very thankful for the large trees over the picnic area there or we would have all been wet!
Nothing like some tree climbing fun!
 Doesn't Hannah look ready to explore?
 The dads were able to join us on this Friday trip so they did a great job keeping up with the little ones. I still can't believe how fast these girls are growing!
 While the weather didn't hold for us to have time to explore all we wanted this time, the girls did find time for some sensory fun before we had to go in the form of ...Mud Pies!
Can't you tell how much fun they were having?!

So, Coiners, since the weather didn't work out to stay long this time, we will have to pick another Friday to go back soon (before it gets too cold)! The girls still want to show you the "big chair" and the rest of the garden!