Saturday, November 14, 2015


 This year, instead of filling shoesboxes our church participated in filling backpacks for children in need. This was a part of the missions emphasis of the SBCV, which is the association of churches in our state that our church belongs too. Our backpacks were due at FMBC on November 1st.
There was a specific list given with groups of items that could be used to fill the backpacks such as a unbreakable toy, socks, hats, school supplies, combs, soap and so on. Each bag would also be labeled for a boy or girl and with an age range. We planned with each of our girls for each of them to do a backpack to give. Of course, each of the big girls wanted to do a backpack for a girl in their age range. Bethany, of course, needed a little help from her sisters so we did her backpack for a girl ages 2-4. Here are the big girls trying to decide which toy to get to put in their backpacks and Bethany holding the baby doll her sisters picked out for her backpack.
 Next, we packed. Here are the big girls fitting all their items in each of their backpacks.
 Bethany wanted to help too or at least crawl over the backpacks to see what her sister was working on!
 Here are all the backpacks that were given by our FMBC family.
 Here are the big girls along with their friend Curtis who helped carry the backpacks out from the sanctuary.
 I am not sure how Bekah could still walk with both these backpacks on but she did not want any help. I asked to help her but she was determined to carry them both!
 Here are the big girls with their finished backpacks. Bethany had already crawled out of the picture at this point. The big girls had the best time planning and packing their backpacks for this project. We pray for each child these backpacks go to that they will be a blessing and an encouragement and that they may come to know Jesus and how very much He loves them!

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