Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Big Snow

 We got pretty much the amount of snow we were forecast to get here at our house. Brent is estimating that we got between 16 and 18 inches but it was really hard to tell exactly with all the wind and drifts.
 He went out a little bit ahead of us on Saturday afternoon and got a few pictures for me around the house. Yes, the bottom rung of our fence is definitely buried under all that snow.
 The girls had fun checking out how deep the snow was in several spots. Bekah is standing on top of the snow pile and Bekah is sitting on top of their Jeep which is buried in the snow.
 There were lots of snow angels.
 Bethany even did a little sledding this year. Her big sisters both took her on one sled run each.

 Her favorite person to sled (fwed was what she called it when you asked her) with was her Daddy.
 They went most of the way down the big hill on this run.
 Taking a little rest from sledding.
 This girl has gotten so brave. All she wanted to do this year was sled. She even outlasted Rachel and stayed out longer with her Daddy to sled.
 Here are she and her Daddy coming from way up the big hill for a sled run. They may or may not have been stopped by a big snow drift at the end...

 While we did get out out for a little while each day, we enjoyed being inside nice and warm (praise the Lord, we kept power this time) also.
 We made snow day lasagna to which Rachel said "I feel like it is Christmas" which was funny because we do have lasagna most often at Christmas.
 I helped them do salt dough ornaments one evening as well. Bethany thought the "homemade playdough" as Rachel called it was pretty fun.

 And then there was more sledding. These girls wanted to swing and sled if they were outside in the snow at all. I asked them if they wanted to build a snowman or have a snowball fight. Nope, swing and sled!
 They were all walking to the top of the hill to have a family sledding race here. Lets just say that Rachel and Bekah won by quite a bit versus Bethany and Daddy.

  There was a little snow measuring and snow eating
 and then more swinging...

 Thankful for the fun the girls had and the memories made during this big snow!
McGuirt Family, The BIG Snow, January 2016

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