Thursday, February 25, 2016

Date Night!

 We had been working out a time with Kay Kay for the girls to go over and play and Brent and I to have a date time and this afternoon was the day! We actually had a coupon for a discount for golf that ended the last day of February but something about 50 mph wind gusts and flurries all day today made us think that maybe this was not a good day for golf!
We got a few things worked on at home this afternoon while the girls were with Kay Kay and then headed out for a supper date before we picked the girls up.
 Date night with my love! Love being able to spend time with him!
 We ate supper in Lexington so we could pick the girls up fairly early.
 They had a blast. Bethany was showing me her "fishy" (goldfish). Mr. Tom was at work but he had left goldfish (one of their favorite snacks) for the girls and Kay Kay.
The girls loved getting to spend some time with Mrs. Debbie this evening too.
 Bethany loved to rub Miley (My-My to her) and bring her all her toys. This girl loves puppies, cats and babies.
 Here are the big girls with their Frozen wands from Kay Kay. They played Barbies and danced and had chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese for supper ( another of their favorites!). They were telling us all about it as soon as we walked back through the door.
Bekah was sitting on Kay Kay's lap while we were all visiting a little after we got back. I noticed she was pretty quiet (she has mostly given up all napping, but she had a pretty busy day today) and in just a few minutes was sound asleep on Kay Kay's lap. We were all smiling about this. Bekah was about 4 weeks old when we first moved here and met Kay Kay and Kay Kay has always been able to get Bekah to sleep even when she was very little and had terrible colic. We smiled and she said "I can still get Bekah to sleep"
Thanks to Kay Kay, Mrs. Debbie and Mr. Tom for loving our girls and taking such good care of them and for blessing their parents with the opportunity to have a date night together!

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