Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

 We spread most of our Valentine's Day celebrating into two days. We started Saturday afternoon with making the girls' Valentine's cards. This year their cards said "Bee Mine" with little handprint bees. This little one is going to like crafts like her big sisters. She kept handing me her thumb and trying to press in onto the paper even when she didn't have any paint left on her finger.
 Rachel made her bees almost totally on her own this year. I offered to help but she wanted to try it herself. As you can see from the covered table, we had lots of handprint bees this year!
 Bekah wrote her own name this year and I showed her how to write the word "Love" then I had to go help Bethany and when I came back she had written it completely by herself with upper and lower case letters.

 Here are our finished "Bees" this year from Rachel, Bethany and Bekah. Bethany only let me do 3 of her hand so we used her thumb instead.
 We had our family Valentine's supper on Saturday night too. Of course, the girls wanted us all to dress up for this special supper.
After supper, the big girls and I made cupcakes for them to take to church for their Sunday School classes.
 Here are the big girls enjoying the fruits (umm, cupcakes) of their efforts.
 They helped frost and decorate them all too.
 They ended up with some very fully sprinkled cupcakes!
 Everyone seemed to enjoy the cupcakes at church on Sunday.
 The kids also sang "Jesus Loves Me" in the worship service.
 They also made Valentines flowers using celery.
 Here is Bekah with her painted celery and flowers

 Mrs. Debbie also brought them cookies for Valentine's Day and they all exchanged Valentine cards with each other as well.
 Brent preached a good sermon on loving God with all of your heart.
 After church, we got a sweet surprise Valentine's gift from our friend Joy. She offered to feed the girls lunch and keep them for a little while for Brent and I to go on a date! What a great gift to us!
 We had a great lunch date and time to just catch up for a little while just the two of us, which was very needed especially after the past few busy weeks. So thankful for this time with my handsome husband!
 We did manage to get one family picture today with everyone awake and looking at the camera. This is no small task these days, especially now that Bethany is mobile. She will just walk out of the picture!
 Few pictures of my favorite Valentines along with my most favorite, their Daddy.

 We had planned to take the girls out for a family time this evening but had a definite change in plans as we prepared to go. Yes, our snow began around 6:30 here instead of the 10 pm or so start time we had heard.
 So we had a good family evening at home. The girls had fun skyping the grandparents and opening their Valentine's candy and mail from the grandparents too.

 Thankful for each of my Valentines today and every day! Thankful most of all, that Jesus loves us each so much and that His love is the greatest gift of all!
                          "We love because He first loved us"
                                      1 John 4:19

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