Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ballet for Bekah

 Two weeks ago, Bekah had the opportunity to begin ballet class. I actually waited 2 weeks to post this to let her try it a couple of times and see how she did with it. Let me tell you, she loves it. If you ask her on Wednesday, what she is doing this afternoon, she says "I do ballet"
The picture above is her heading into her very first class. Rachel also wore this leotard at her first dance class and so did Bekah and it was originally my sister's when she began ballet about 19 years ago!
Bekah, when she first goes in, stands very still and watches everyone for about the first 5 minutes to see what they all are doing and then she joins right in
 Here she was practicing her twirls, with Ms. Jenna, her teacher
 This is one of the things she seems to like most about dance class...jumping through the hula hoops!
 Since she really seemed to like the first week, we took her to get fitted for ballet shoes. Her little feet are so tiny, she definitely has some growing room!
 And here is "Little Hollywood" in her glasses and ballet shoes.

These pictures are from this past week. Nana and Papa were able to come watch this week and Bekah actually fell asleep about 3 minutes from the dance studio. I carried her in asleep and tried to wake her to change her into her leotard. She began to cry but then I realized we could hear the music from her class starting in the room next to the changing room. I told her we had to hurry so she didn't miss ballet. She stopped crying, stood up and said "I do ballet" and off she went!
 This week, they pulled out the fluffy tutus. Isn't that just cute!! She also got fitted for her recital costume for the Spring.
Wednesday afternoons have become very busy as Rachel also dances a little later on Wednesdays as well but we are very thankful for great dance teachers and the opportunity for both girls to do something they enjoy so much! So on Wednesdays, as Bekah says, "We do Ballet!"

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