Friday, May 26, 2017

Our First Garden

We began to make plans once we started getting settled in North Carolina to do our very first garden with the girls. We talked about having a garden when we lived in the mountains, but we were on the deer path, so we decided not to do a garden then. In North Carolina, where we are living now, we have a great spot for a garden. Brent was watching the weather last weekend and noticed that we were going to have one sunny day followed by a couple of really rainy days, so he said it would be a great time to put the garden in.
Papa and Nana have a local hardware just a short drive from where we are living so Monday,we started at Royal Trustworthy Hardware choosing all our plants for our garden. They have both seeds and seedlings so the girls picked mostly seeds with a few seedlings as well. I was impressed with their selection. They willingly chose beets, radishes and honeydew along with our potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans and peppers.

Here is Bethany helping to measure out our field peas.
The big girls made sure to include Allie too.
Brent had to do some repair on my grandfather's tiller to get it up and running and then it was time to make the garden plot. This was right at the same spot where my grandfather always placed his garden. I thought it was fitting when I realized that we were planting our first garden on what would have been my Poppy's 89th birthday.
We asked Nana for some paint stirrers to make labels for our garden. The girls made labels while Brent started tilling.

Allie and I  offered moral support.

After the garden area got bigger, we had the big girls help rake out the grass. Isn't Bethany doing a great job supervising?
Finally, the garden plot was ready to plant.
Sweetest little garden helper ♡
Everyone took turns planting some of the seeds and seedlings.
Rachel added the labels and we are ready to watch our garden grow!
We are excited to see what actually grows and look forward to enjoying our harvest!

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